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Old Studio Demo
(The Lord Stefan - Vocals, Andrew "Tormentor" Manuele and Jon "Soulreaper" Kreiter - Guitars, Derek "Aggressor" Somers - Bass, Cristian "Deathcrush" Leiva - Drums. Jon does not appear on Track 3)
1. Necrospasm
2. Aside From That Jackie...Did You Enjoy Dallas?
3. Besides That Mrs. Lincoln...How Was The Play?

Upcoming Demos/Full Songlist
1. Necrospasm
2. Aside From That Jackie...Did You Enjoy Dallas?
3. Besides That Mrs. Lincoln...How Was The Play?
4. Living is Bad for the Environment
5. Flaming Wings of Crimson Death
6. Rock (Paper Scissors)
7. The Pear of Anguish
8. Stone the Harlots (Incomplete)
9. Incest (Incomplete)